40,000 Fan Giveaway!

It's time to celebrate! Sacred Arrow's Facebook page just reached 40,000 followers, and we are so excited to share the love with our friends at Green Teepee Soaps, The Droppery Shoppe and The Chemical Free Home and of course YOU! We will be giving FORTY winners prize packages that include canvas tote bags, all natural soaps, recipe booklets, and of course diffusing jewelry! More information on prizes will be coming soon to our Facebook page, and you can go ahead and enter to win below: Read more giveaway, prize
Foaming Hand Soap Recipe with Essential Oils

With two kiddos, a work from home job, and a constantly busy schedule, I am always on the lookout for ways to improve and streamline where possible. This week I hit the jackpot with several of our homemade household products. I like to make our foaming hand soap, toothpaste, and deodorant to name a few, but I wanted to share the hand soap recipe that I made this week because I’ve tried lots of DIY recipes and this is my favorite by far. It is seriously the easiest recipe I’ve made and works very well! Foaming Hand Soap Recipe Materials: Foaming Pump Bottle (can be bought here) Distilled or Filtered Water (chlorine free) Liquid Castile Soap Fractionated Coconut Oil Essential... Read more
Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe

Tuesday was a very sad day in our house. My daughter had a dentist appointment and this kid LOVES the dentist, so naturally, she was psyched. She’s previously had a perfect bill of oral health, but this visit didn’t go so well – she has THREE cavities! GASP! She cried. I told you, sad day. No worries though, this mama has a plan! We are addressing some things in her diet that may help, we’ve added fermented cod liver oil to our routine, AND I made some remineralizing toothpaste to begin using. We plan to go back to the dentist in a few weeks for what’s hopefully a complete cavity recovery! I’ll keep you posted, but in the mean time,... Read more
Stress Away 10K Giveaway

We can't begin to thank you enough for your support over the last 8 months! This business and ministry has grown so much thanks to your willingness to shop with us and share with your friends and family. Every month we are increasing the amount of Sacred Frankincense we are able to send to those battling cancer, and we could never have done this on our own. God is using this community in beautiful and mighty ways! To thank you for helping us hit 10,000 page likes on Facebook, we are giving TEN WINNERS each a 24" Silver Stunning Diffuser Necklace and a 15ml bottle of Young Living's Stress Away blend. We held this contest on our Facebook page, and... Read more
Summer Leather Line

In May, I (Jess) was blessed to be able to make the trip to visit an amazing leather working company to learn more about color, weight and finish options on a dream line of leather products for you guys! We have so much still in the works, but we are excited to introduce this collection of beautiful, bright, rich hues in premium pebbled leather. I spent about 5 hours choosing colors, trying out various combinations and "clicking" out different designs and styles with the help of the incredible, Liz. Here she is helping me pull a color I saw peeking out and labeling it for Sacred Arrow. I was allowed to visit their shop, see their staff in action, and... Read more 1 2 Older articles »